Saturday afternoons 12 and 26 June, 1400-1800 BST both days
Tickets: £95 (OPUS members), £120 (others)
This two-part workshop is designed as an opportunity to discover and explore interpretive structures and concerns as they relate to our identities and roles. We will share and explore relevant parts of our biographies, including moments of ‘rupture’ and crisis to understand our personal and professional assumptions and pre-occupations. Apart from short introductory inputs the workshops will be experiential drawing on different socio-analytic and experiential learning methods, including role biographies.
We will be working online using ZOOM (a link will be emailed shortly before the event). Course time will be divided into blocs of on- and offline learning and we will be working individually, in small online break out groups and in the plenary, with short breaks in between.
The workshops aim to help surfacing what impacts our identities from a psycho-social point of view; to become aware of our biases and assumptions and gain a better understanding of their impact on our lives and work and emotional, intellectual and theoretical pre-occupations. The workshops are open to anyone interested in exploring these topics and willing to share their experiences in a collegiate atmosphere.
Please send queries about the event to:
Facilitator team
Anna-Kristin David
With a background in psychology and psychotherapy, Anna is a freelance academic, consultant, executive coach and facilitator working in corporate and academic settings and specializing in leadership and organization development. Originally from Germany, her personal and professional interests and identities are reflected by her life’s trajectory to-date, marked by many changes, new beginnings and a quest for meaning and belonging.
Erika Speičytė-Ruschhoff
Erika is an organisational consultant and group relations practitioner, based in Vilnius, Lithuania. She is a co-founder and board member of the Lithuanian Group Relations Society engaged in development of system psychodynamic approach in post soviet countries of Eastern Europe and Baltic states. She is a doctoral student at the Tavistock Centre, London.
Gyorgy Lissauer
After 20 years in the civil society sector, Gyorgy is establishing an independent consultancy practice. He has supported leaders and organizations who, among other things, have organized around race, ethnic, religious and gender identities. His current interests include fostering inclusive work environments where creativity feeds on a deep appreciation of difference.
Karen Rowe
Karen Rowe is a psychotherapist with thirty years’ experience. She works in private practice in London as a psychotherapist, clinical supervisor, executive coach and organisation consultant. She has previously held senior management and lead roles in psychotherapy trainings and in forensic mental health. She sits on national ethics and professional conduct committees.
Susanne Skoruppa
Susanne consults to international organizations at the nexus of organizational psychology and law. Born in the former East Germany in 1979, Susanne has a profound interest in biographical ruptures and transitions. A graduate of the IGA, she is currently a doctoral student at the Tavistock Centre pursuing psychosocial research.