Gina Miller has been described by Bloomberg as an ‘Establishment Wrecking Ball’ but her drive for transparency, scrutiny and integrity is about reform, not wrecking. Her expertise and areas of work cover investments, charities, democracy and political processes; as well as social justice. As a passionate believer in responsible capitalism, Gina believes we all have a civic duty to be actively engaged in challenging contemporary issues facing businesses, politics and wider society.

Post the financial crisis, Gina and her husband Alan founded SCM Direct as a modern disruptive digital wealth manager centred on 100% transparency, low cost and investing with ethics.

In 2012 Gina launched the True and Fair Campaign, calling for an end to rip offs and dubious practices in the UK investment and pension industry.  Gina’s campaigning has resulted in contributions to three EU Directives which vastly enhance consumer protection from 2018.

In 2016, Gina successfully challenged the Government over its authority to implement Brexit, winning in both the High Court and Supreme Court.  Gina continues a ‘democracy and legality’ watching brief of the UK Government’s activities as Brexit is progressed.