CONF17 – Full Programme


10 November

08.45 – 09.15 Reception Hall Registration and coffee
09.15 – 09.30 Nuffield Hall Welcome and notices: Sandy Henderson
09.30 – 11.00 Nuffield Hall Keynote: Marianna Fotaki – Rethinking embodiment: a route to relating meaningfully
11.00 – 11.20 Reception Hall Coffee
11.20 – 12.20 Discussion Groups
12.20 – 13.30 Reception Hal Lunch
12.30 – 13.15 Nuffield Hall OPUS Associate Forum
13.30 – 15.00 Parallel Presentations Session 1
Room U1 Rob Fitzpatrick Holding the ‘vanishing’ organization: the challenge of emotional attachment to place in agile work environments
Room U3 Rebecca Nestor Leading climate change organisations: what happens to authority in response to the ‘super-wicked’ problem?
Room U6 Jo Kennedy Both the light and the dark: the challenges of working with the whole in a religious congregation
Room U7 Fabio D’Apice How Gibraltarian Identity is shaping the leadership response to Brexit
Room U8 Andrew Briggs The loss of clinical identity and leadership: an outcome of suppressed turbulence in modern CAMHS
Committee Room Peter Edward & Tanya Lewis Lacan*: Understanding organisations as a Lacanian ‘libidinal economy of discourses’: a case study of organisational crisis in turbulent times
15.00 – 15.20 Reception Hall Tea
15.20 – 16.50 Parallel Presentations Session 2
Room U1 Nick Waggett Technology at work: the implications for leadership and consultancy practice
Room U3 Lilian Hupkens Self-authorization versus organisational authorization, and the double standards in Silicon Valley
Room U6 Trina Banerjee & Anuradha Palit Does ‘Sturm und Drang’ unleash the Self?
Room U7 Silvia Silverman Naisberg & Sara Metzer Jewish identity and the role of Jewish people in the Western world
Room U8 Barbara Wren & Megan Joffe Expressions of ambivalence in systems under crisis: the problem of medical leadership
Committee Room Barbara Williams Lacan*: Persistence of ‘whiteness’ in the face of ‘diversity’
17.00 – 18.00 Nuffield Hall Plenary Discussion
18.15 – 20.00 Reception Hall Drinks Reception


11 November

08.45 – 09.15 Reception Hall Registration and coffee
09.15 – 09.30 Nuffield Hall Notices: Sandy Henderson
09.30 – 11.00 Nuffield Hall Keynote: Arkady Ostrovsky – Media and mass consciousness: nationalism and imposed identity in Russia
11.00 – 11.20 Coffee in Reception Hall
11.20 – 12.20 Discussion Groups
12.20 – 13.30 Lunch in Reception Hall
13.30 – 15.00 Parallel Presentations Session 3
Room U1 Manab Bose G stands for Greed: psychoanalytic perspectives of a fallen hero
Room U3 Carlos Sapochnik Group Relations (what do staff want?)
Room U6 Eduardo Acuña Building the identity of HR Management in a Faculty of Economics & Business Administration: a socio-analytical exploration
Room U7 Mark Argent Post-truth politics: globalisation, foreclosure and the public discourse
Room U8 Sandie Dunne White leaders/race matters – a workshop on working with difference
Committee Room Yvonne Webb Lacan*: Asymmetrical ‘horizontal’ leadership and why it matters
15.00 – 15.20 Reception Hall Tea
15.20 – 16.50 Parallel Presentations Session 4
Room U1 James Krantz To be fully present: authentic leadership
Room U3 Simon Western & Bernie McDonnell Reimagining Group Relations in turbulent times
Room U6 James Walker The Oceanic feeling and the Void
Room U7 Shmuel Bernstein The challenge of advancing human rights in a ‘cultural complex’ arena
Room U8 Adrian Fronda Conspiracy Theories
Committee Room Philip Boxer Lacan*: Challenging impossibilities: using the plus-one process to explore leadership dilemmas
17.00 – 18.00 Nuffield Hall Plenary Discussion
18.00 Conference closes