Notes for Contributors

Submission of Manuscripts

  1. Contributors should indicate in a covering letter the specific category outlined in the journal’s Aims and Scope (Scientific Papers, Accounts of Interventions, etc) under which they wish their contribution to be considered.
  2. We encourage submissions that continue an ongoing conversation throughout the Organisational & Social Dynamics journal and recommend that authors make this evident in their argument.
  3. While there is no standard length for contributions, and the Journal specifically welcomes shorter pieces which may be of a non-academic style (polemical, socio-analytical and/or experiential, for example), major papers should normally be between 6,000 and 8,000 words.
  4. Manuscripts must be submitted in English, and double-spaced throughout. Manuscripts must include an abstract and keywords. The keywords refer to those identifiers which are useful in searching their and other databases for citations relevant to the article in question.It is now the responsibility of contributors to submit their manuscripts via ScholarOne, our automated submission platform at In addition, all contributions should be submitted electronically to both the Journals Department at Phoenix Publishing ( and Aaron Nurick (
  5. Unless an exception is explicitly noted, with an appropriate explanation, submission is a representation that the manuscript has not been published previously, and is not currently under consideration for publication elsewhere. A statement transferring copyright from the authors to OPUS will be required before the manuscript can be accepted for publication.
  6. Since reviewing is on an anonymous basis, authors should omit their name(s) from all manuscript pages. A cover page, giving their name(s), date of submission, e-mail and postal address(es) should, therefore, be provided with the submission.
  7. Authors must provide high quality artwork for all figures. Figures should be camera ready, black and white printouts and where possible together with a high resolution electronic image presented as a JPEG. Poor-definition reproductions are not suitable. Each table and figure should be given a title and should be presented on a separate manuscript page at the end of the paper, and the position of figures or tables in the text should be indicated.
  8. In the text, reference citations should appear as follows:

    ‘Edelman (1973) argued . . ‘;
    ‘Lenin and McCartney (1964) indicated that . . .’ or
    ‘A number of contemporary critiques (Maron, 1999; Peters, 1998) illuminate . . .’

  9. Footnotes should be avoided in the text. References should be collated into a reference list at the end of the paper, in the following style:

    Harre, R. (1979). Social Being. Oxford: Blackwell.
    Bion, W. (1946). The leaderless group project. Bulletin of the Meninger Clinic, 10(3): 77-81.
    Turquet, P. (1974). Leadership: the individual and the group. In: G. Hibbard, J. Hartmann and R. Mann (Eds), Analysis of Groups. San Francisco: Jossey Bass.

Processing of Manuscripts and Production

  1. Once reviewers have made their recommendations about a contribution, the editors will make a final judgement whether to reject or accept, or to accept, subject to minor or major revisions.
  2. Hard copies of the revised article should be accompanied with a copy on disk.
  3. Once accepted, manuscripts are copyedited and scheduled for publication. Authors will be notified of the year and issue number, as soon as it has been determined.
  4. Page proofs will be sent to the designated (first) author in PDF format by e-mail. The page proofs should be printed out and any amendments marked in red. The proofs should then be sent within the scheduled time requested (usually no more than seven days), direct to:

    Christine Taylor, Editorial Assistant
    Organisational and Social Dynamics
    Centre for Understanding Social Practices
    University of the West of England
    Frenchay Campus
    Coldharbour Lane
    Bristol BS16 1QY, UK.

    With rare exceptions, only printer’s errors, and authors’ minor typographical errors will be corrected.

  5. First-named authors receive a pdf file and one complimentary copy of the issue.