OPUS News – Autumn 2018

3 September 2018


I hope you have summered well and are ready to face a new season of activity.

OPUS is still chugging along, making slow but steady progress on a number of fronts, not least in preparing for the transition to a new inclusive and democratic management structure.

OPUS Leadership Roles

I am still looking for volunteers to take on the leadership of the following activity streams, from 2019:

Perhaps you know someone else with whom you would be willing to share the role (click on the links above for job descriptions). If no volunteers come forward, we may have to consider ceasing these activities.

I am still in the process of producing job descriptions for two paid roles – Membership/Bookings Administrator and Web/Communications Administrator – which will be advertised shortly, in each case to take over from me in early 2019.

AGM 15 November

As part of the transition, we are going to hold the OPUS AGM at Pimlico Academy, just down the road from the conference venue, at 6pm on 15 November, the eve of the Conference. All OPUS associates and members are welcome to attend.

Apart from the formal business of approving the audited accounts for 2017-18 and re-electing any trustees retiring by rotation, there will also be a chance to get a progress update from the Transition Committee and to put your questions about OPUS to the board. Do try to attend if you can.

Conference Tickets

Can I ask you to do what you can to help drum up numbers for the 2018 International Conference. We have an exciting line-up of speakers and papers this year, and some rich themes to explore, so it would be very pleasing to have a full house on 16 and 17 November. At this time of year, there is always the worry of not selling enough tickets to cover the costs of the conference, so the sooner we can reach that threshold of safety, the better. There is still some way to go!

Even if you are unable to buy your conference ticket immediately for financial reasons, it would be helpful to know if you plan to come. Equally, a generous discount is available on your ticket if you can persuade two or more non-members to attend with you.

Diary Dates

  • There is one more place available on the 3-day workshop Consulting to Groups on 21-3 September 2018, run by Chris Tanner and Jo-anne Carlyle.
  • On 29 September, we are holding a Consultants’ Development Day open to all OPUS associates as we start to build a community of practice within OPUS. Tickets cost just £10.
  • On 3 October, we have the Autumn Listening Post. The plan is to try out a couple of changes to the format and would be grateful for your support by attending this to give the experiment a chance to work. There is no charge to attend.
  • The event Belief and Unbelief at Work, exploring expressions of religious belief and unbelief in society and the workplace, to be led by Mark Argent and Corrine Archer, has been deferred from its original September date to a date in January 2019. Further details to follow.
  • Mannie Sher has agreed to give the 2019 Eric Miller Memorial Lecture. Further details will follow.

As always, please let me know if you have any suggestions or comments on what I or OPUS should (or should not!) be doing.

Best wishes
