11th Vilnius International Group Relations Conference, 20th–24th August, 2021, Vilnius
Co-sponsored by: Lithuanian Society of Group Relations, Tavistock Institute and Vilnius University
The Conference is conducted in the Tavistock tradition, it offers opportunities to learn about authority, leadership and the roles individuals take in groups, consciously and unconsciously. The Conference takes place in the heart of Vilnius old town.
The conference design includes a Consultancy Learning Group.
We are planning an in-person, face-to-face Conference. We will follow official recommendations of necessary measures for the safety of participants. Please let us know if you would like to attend and participate in the Conference. Knowing your intentions will help us to go on with preparations.
The working language of the conference is English.
Detailed information about the conference’s aims, tasks, programme, funding organizations, staff, administrative questions, and application can be found at:
The closing date for applications is: 5 August, 2021
The early bird registration discount date is: 15 July, 2021
You can also contact us by email: grupiusantykiai@gmail.com